SimpleXMLElement snippets
Open from a file
$xml = simplexml_load_file(file.xml');
in file.php :
<?php $xmlstr = <<<XML <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <lheo xmlns=""> <offres></offres> </lheo> XML; ?>
include 'file.php'; $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlstr);
To get a node :
$child = $xml->action->{'lieu-de-formation'}->coordonnees->{$field}
Notice {} when node syntax too complex or dynamic var used
Set node value
$new_action = $xml->offres->formation[0]->action; $new_action->{0}="777";
To get a child attribute
Select a node by his attribute
Ex : search node
With xpath
by specifying full path node
$foundNodes = $new_action->xpath(adresse/extras/extra[@info="'.$field.'"]'); $foundNode = $foundNodes[0]; $foundNode->{0} = $value;
Or relative path
Namsespace required here (xml interface format given by external url )
$namespaces = $xml->getNamespaces(true); $namespace = $namespaces[0] ; // or
$namespace = ""; $new_formation->registerXPathNamespace('c', $namespace); $foundNodes = $new_formation->xpath('//c:extra[@info="'.$field.'"]'); $foundNode = $foundNodes[0]; $foundNode->{0} = $value;
Display xml
echo $new_offres->asXML();
Write/save in a file
Append child
function sxml_append(SimpleXMLElement $target ,SimpleXMLElement $insert, $nextSibling=true ) { $target_dom = dom_import_simplexml($target); $insert_dom = $target_dom->ownerDocument->importNode(dom_import_simplexml($insert), true); if ($nextSibling) { $target_dom->parentNode->insertBefore($insert_dom, $target_dom->nextSibling); } else { $target_dom->appendChild($insert_dom); } }
$nextSibling = true, add child after last target node
$nextSibling = false, add child at end of node child
xml at start
<action>action 1</action>
sxml_append($xml->offres->formation[0]->action[0], $new_action, true);
<action>action 1</action>
<action>action 2</action>
sxml_append($xml->offres->formation[0], $new_action, false);
<action>action 1</action>
<action>action 2</action>
Dupplicate node
You can’t use 1 already node to append it again in same xml cause it‘ll only be modified instead of being dupplicated.
Then you have to create 1.
using a xml string (see Open from a file )
include 'file.php'; $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlstr);
Or using an already existing node, converting it into a string to create a new SimpleXMLElement
//$new_action is a node $new_action2 = new SimpleXMLElement($new_action->asXML()); $new_action2->{0}="value"; sxml_append($xml->offres->formation[0], $new_action2);
Delete node
Unset($xml->offres->formation[0]) ;
Delete nodes
$nbre = count($old_actions); for($i=0;$i<$nbre;$i++) { unset($old_actions[0]); }